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Infinity Dragon is a self-made producer, writer, and musician from Philadelphia who has gradually, Risen in Rank Throughout ALL Entertainment industries. Born August 23, 1988 At Albert Einstein Hospital, right from the age of 5, Infinity Dragon pursued the path of creative arts. From dancing and music to sketching, Infinity Dragon could transform any art form to make it his own and express himself. Infinity Dragon chose the life of a musician and, in doing that, has released several masterpieces. His unique yet familiar musical style falls under the genre of alternative, pop, and electronic rock.



Infinity Dragon was born with the raw and natural talent to create something out of nothing. At just 5 years old, he has written a series of children's books, filled with pictures that he drew to go along with the story he wrote. 


By the age of 8, Infinity Dragon (I.D.) took a very strong interest in drawing. His interest in creative writing has evolved into creative expression. After trying/reading through HOW-TO books on drawing, he took a new approach on drawing and began drawing images that were in magazines. One day in his 6th grade class, he noticed that his classmate had some hand-drawn images of his favorite cartoon Dragon Ball Z, it made his eyes light up, and right there his level of art, upgraded. All of a sudden he knew what type of art he wanted to create. He fell in love with the presentation of his classmate's art, and knew, that he too, can be great at such art. He mostly used regular No. 2 pencils for his artwork. He drew many DBZ characters, even had them in plastic sleeves (to protect the paper), enclosed in a binder. Many of people awed at his work, which even inspired his younger kin to follow in the steps of drawing DBZ characters. And as sure as water is H20, Infinity Dragon's experience of drawing DBZ characters free hand, has led him to a creative evolution: he wanted MORE. 


Infinity Dragon wrote his first poem in the 6th grade. He wrote this poem because he knew drawing was not his only artistic gift, and because he wanted more than just stories and pictures in a book. He was ready to expand his artistic view and ability. The opportunity presented itself when his 6th grade teacher (Ms. Lazaar) assigned his class with a project to make a magazine about themselves for presentation to the class. He saw this as the perfect opportunity to share a part of himself that his classmates never got a chance to see, and a poem was the perfect way. After presenting his poem (during his magazine presentation) in his class, everyone was blown out of their seats, giving him a grand applause. The title of that poem is, "Who Am I". He was more than shocked to see his classmates reaction, not knowing his little knack for writing, was more than just a little knack. 


In 8th grade, Infinity Dragon just began to tip the iceberg of expressing his most "inner feelings". By the time he reached 9th grade in high school, his creative writing had exploded, and a new era of his writing has begun. He began writing poetry much more often, mostly during class. He shared his newly written poetry with classmates and friends, and again, receiving grand applause. However, this time when he shared his poetry, he let his audience read the poem to themselves in that they would have a more intimate experience. He also gave a friend permission to recite a poem of his, titled "Love", at her relative's funeral. The poem, Love, by Infinity Dragon, provoked emotion, and stirred a fire in the soul. 


Infinity Dragon's writing skill has evolved throughout his high school career. The English courses in high school he took, served purpose as to enhance his literature, and in turn enhance his poetry/creative writing. During his junior and senior years in high school, he took "Advanced Placement" English courses. Advanced Placement courses have more challenging coursework, being on the level of an intro college course. His writing has been powered up due to the workload he received in his AP English courses. He gained a new vision on creative expression, having to use analytical skills to dissect literature. 


Creative expression meant identity to Infinity Dragon: and education has a  means to a part of his identity. In pre-K, Infinity Dragon was not a "good student", in fact, he barely did any work. It was practically everyday he did something in class that his teacher was yelling at him, or calling his home for. He only saw school as an opportunity to talk to "his" girls. First grade was a little different. He sat next to the prettiest girl in his class, even though he was the shortest boy in his class, her smile meant everything to him. He would see her smile at him everyday, and he would feel joy. He felt so much joy, that he figured she would like him if he was smart. To prove he was smart, he had to wear glasses, because he believed all smart people wear glasses. So he lied to his mother and told her he needed glasses because his vision was no longer clear (at the age of 6). So his mother took him to the eye doctor. When the doctor told him to read the letters he saw on the screen in front of him (with one eye closed), he lied and said random letters. BOOM! And just like that, he wins and he gets that pair of glasses. He wanted to look smart, because he didn't care much for school enough to get the average grades. His grades were just below average in the 1st. After having the glasses for a while, nothing changed between him and the girl who sat next to him with the beautiful smile. He wanted to kiss her, like he did with all the other girls he liked, and becoming those girls' boyfriend. Since nothing changed with him and the girl who sat next to him in 1st grade, he told his mother that his vision got better and he didn't need glasses anymore. When his mother took him to the eye doctor, he read those letters off the screen with no problems. And just like that, no more glasses. He attended Rowen Elementary School in Philadelphia, Pa for the 1st grade. For grades 2nd through 7th, he attended Ziegler Elementary School, located in Philadelphia, PA. 


Slowly but surely, Infinity Dragon's school grades got better all the way up to 6th grade. His intelligence has grown immensely by the end of his 7th grade school year, showing on his report card. He wanted more from education, he wanted more knowledge and college preparation. Oddly enough, his aunt and uncle offered him an opportunity to live with them and go to the school their children attended. His aunt and uncle's home is in a small town outside of Philadelphia, near Reading, PA. Infinity Dragon accepted the offer, knowing that he would be better prepared for high school, and ultimately, college. Pottsgrove Middle School definitely proved to be an opportunity of education, ultimately, giving Infinity Dragon the highest award the school offers. Normally, the award went to a student who has been in the middle school since the 6th grade, however, Infinity Dragon managed to accomplish so much success in just one year, that the whole teaching staff/unit (Principal included) was awed by his personal achievements. Pottsgrove Middle School dished out plenty of challenge to him. He was accustomed to sitting in one classroom for all of his school subjects. At Pottsgrove, there was a different classroom for every subject. The class pace was about 2.5 times faster than Ziegler. The math class was his biggest challenge, though Math was a strong point of his. One day in this math class, I.D. got caught cheating on a pop quiz. The teacher asked him which of these two he would prefer: tell your aunt and uncle what he did in class, or his teacher calls his aunt and uncle to tell them what happened in class; and he chose to tell his aunt and uncle himself. When he got home from school that day, he told his aunt and uncle he cheated on the pop quiz because he didn't know the material. In turn, he was put on punishment; no video game playing, no playing outside, no watching tv. This punishment lasted for 3 months. That was plenty of time to learn the math that he did not understand. However, he took his time tutoring himself, though he did begin to score better on pop quizzes. For his science class, he was assigned a project at the beginning of the school year that was due as a final, at the end of the school year. It was so much work, that it was meant to be done leisurely throughout the whole school year. However, he waited until the month before the work was due, to begin this project. On top of that, for his Social Studies class, he had to pick up slack from his group mates because they were not getting their share of the work done. He had one month to master his math course load, complete a whole project that was meant to be done lightly throughout the year, and complete a group project that was meant for a group of 5 to complete; picking up slack for 3. He literally accomplished, the impossible. This achievement did not go unnoticed. 


"On the first day of high school, I remember getting off the 88 (SEPTA bus) and looking at Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln High School, Rowland & Ryan Ave Phila, Pa), telling myself: I'm either going to college for free on an academic scholarship, or on a sports scholarship."-I.D.


Four years later, Infinity Dragon is at Pennsylvania State University, located in University Park, Pa on full scholarship, as a Bunton-Waller Fellow. 


Infinity Dragon moved back to Philadelphia to live with his mother and younger siblings after finishing 8th grade in Pottstown. Philadelphia offered more freedom and more ease of mobility as compared to Pottstown, so the decision was not too difficult for him to make. If he stayed in Pottstown, he would not have been able to go out much due to his strict aunt and uncle, and if so, he would have no way to get there. It is mostly a rural area, so there really aren't many buses to get you around in Pottstown; you need a car. He got his first job his freshman year in high school at Please Touch Museum, which was located downtown Philadelphia. The program he worked for at Please Touch Museum was known as ACES. He would miss one day of school a week to go downtown to work in the Public Relations department, as kind of like an intern. He had his own desk, and own computer. He also played on the Varsity tennis team his freshman year in high school, playing mixed doubles. He played football for a community team, known as the Olney Eagles during his freshman and sophomore years of high school. His 1st year with Olney Eagles, he played Wide Receiver, Defensive End, and Safety for the 105 weight class. His sophomore year he played for the 125 weight class as a running back, corner back, and kick returner. He worked at Please Touch Museum his Sophomore year of high school as well. His 2nd year playing on the Varsity tennis team, he played single matches. Like magic, he became a young master of tennis, mastering the Slice shot. On his 16th birthday, he dropped off an already filled out  application, to GameStop. He wanted to work there since a child. A month and a half later, he was working at GameStop as a part-time employee. He also played Varsity tennis and JV basketball his junior year in high school. He had just one AP course his junior year. His senior year in high school, he had four Advanced Placement courses. He continued to work part-time at GameStop, became Captain and Coach for the Varsity boy's tennis team, joined the Varsity wrestling team, managed the girl's Varsity tennis team, and was vice president of the class' yearbook committee. As Captain of the Varsity boy's tennis, he led the team the furthest they have ever been in a single season during the school's remembered history. The Varsity boy's tennis team was complimented as "never been this tough before" under the leadership of Infinity Dragon, by an elite competitor, Julia R. Masterman. He skipped a luncheon for the "Senior of The Month" to play an important match for the Varsity Boys Tennis the Spring of 2006. He made the Philadelphia All-City, 1st Tennis Team, ranked number 8, of 2006. With all of his involvement in and out of school, Infinity Dragon graduated high school as Valedictorian. Not only was this a great milestone for their school's history, it was a personal accomplishment for Infinity Dragon. His rank was the only rank that did not change on the class ranking list in the course of 4 years. And sure as truth, he got that full scholarship. He also had offers from New Hampshire University and Middlebury (private Ivy League school), with the help of a specialized school counselor. Infinity Dragon was so busy, he did not apply to colleges outside of what he was introduced to, forgetting about Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. In fact, he chose to go to Middlebury, which is a private school, with a smaller campus, and Ivy League. He was offered the highest amount of money the private school offered, leaving him to pay $8,000 per semester. One late night while Infinity Dragon was in the middle of doing his AP Calculus homework, he received a phone call from a board member of the Bunton-Waller Fellowship of Penn State University. Infinity Dragon was shocked and lost for words when he was told he was being offered a full scholarship to Penn State. What made it more surprising, is that Infinity Dragon had all but 10 minutes to make a decision. Why just 10 minutes? Because the deadline to inform colleges where he was attending was due the next day by 5pm, and Penn State was on the phone wanting an answer on the spot! After stalling for as long as he could within that 10 minute window, he told the Bunton-Waller board member of Penn State that he would be attending there in the Fall. He attended a summer program designed by Penn State's School of Engineering to help better prepare students of color with college life at such a university of great size where they find themselves the minority.  



Once he hit college, his poetry took on a new form, literally. Instead of writing his poetry on paper, he began to type them on his laptop (that he received from White-William Scholars his junior year in high school for maintaining a high GPA), in stanzas. His freshman year of college in the Fall semester, he wrote a 7 page poem. SUPER EPIC! Really, it was! It was typed up on the computer, in stanzas of 4, and every last word rhyming within those 4 lines. An epic journey of a man who goes on an unbelieving journey to hold and to have, the love of his life. There was a snow day that lead to a "Snowball" effect. There was so much snow on the main campus in University Park this day, that all classes were cancelled for the day. He found himself at his laptop, expressing his feelings on paper. The snow stirred the emotions within him that day, which lead to more expression in the form of poetry. He wrote many poems this month, carrying the momentum from the 7-page poem; this was the next chapter. In January of the Spring semester his freshman year, he wrote 34 poems, which was the most poems he has ever written consecutively. He took it a step further and outdid himself in February, writing 44 poems within 28 days. For his final in a Creative Writing course, he prepared a poem meant to be recited, as in spoken word. And again, the applause is magnificent. The instructor was in complete awe and all enjoyed Infinity Dragon's art piece. During his freshman year in college, he and a handful of dorm mates dominated their Intramural Basketball Division, and won their section's championship. They had their picture taken and placed on the school's website, a little block with a PSU metal seal on it given to them as a trophy, and a sky blue t-shirt that had "Penn State Intramurals" printed on it which was given to them as the champions. Infinity Dragon knew his team would win the championship, so he had his hair died red prior to the championship game. He died his hair red so that he would stand out in the picture that was going to be placed on the school's website. His team also broke the school's record for most points scored in 10-minute halves, being more than a 100 points. Oddly, Infinity Dragon was sick this day with the flu, and still balled his lights out. He also ran a Tennis Camp at Penn State, sponsored by Pennsylvania State University's Club Tennis Team during his sophomore year. The camp sessions were held for a couple of hours once a week, for approximately 2 months. He never missed a day. He majored in Computer Science. However, after his first 2 years as an engineer, he now wanted music to be his major. In turn, he switched his major to Music Production.


A late December 2007 night he was hanging out with his cousin and friend, it was his turn to freestyle and they were not taking no for an answer anymore. He HAD to do it, so he did! They looked at him with a shocked face, like "WOAH". They applauded his performance and demanded more. I.D. went home that night, looked up industry beats, and recorded over them using his built-in laptop microphone to record his freestyle vocals on the beat. He made 2 cds that night with freestyles up to a minute and 30 seconds. He felt that music was his destiny, like it was waiting for him to be awakened in it. When he got back to campus for the Spring semester, he told his pals of his new super power; music. One of his pals had experience in producing music, so he recorded Infinity Dragon's vocals for a track he had produced. I.D. wrote his own lyrics for this record, as so did his pal write his own lyrics for his vocals. I.D.'s pal wanted to work with Infinity Dragon at a rate that I.D. did not feel comfortable with, because he felt his talent was being smothered with a "Not Now" attitude. Infinity Dragon went on to borrow a "stick" microphone from another one of his pals to record his vocals with for his music endeavors. The microphone was not the best, and no where close to Studio quality. However, this did not stop him. He made a pop filter with a styrofoam cup lid and a piece of toilet paper covering the hole, held in place by a rubber band. He had a double-bed dorm room all to himself, so he had no issues with recording/listening to music at odd hours. After recording a few songs and posting them on myspace, he was ready to expand his brand. 


He searched for artists in his area, and listened to their music, looking for someone within Hip-Hop to collaborate with, and he found exactly what he was looking for. At the time, this artist went by the name White Knife. White Knife encouraged I.D. to get a better mic, so I.D. managed to raise enough money to buy a studio-quality microphone. He also made a new pop filter, this time with part of a ninja mask covering the whole in the rim of a plastic bowl. The new duo collaborated on 2 mixtapes. The first mixtape they released together was called "Beasts Of The East". They both did at least 6 records a piece, and had multiple tracks together. This was released in May 2008. They did another mixtape where they did at least 6 records a piece, this time including Infinity Dragon's younger cousin. This mixtape was called, "Beasts Of The East Vol 2", and released July 4, 2008. The three of them had many records together, and the one that stood out most was titled, "Is This What You Want" on this mixtape. Infinity Dragon's younger cousin (at the time known as Old Skool Kid) went on the first verse, Jersey Life (formally White Knife) went on the second verse, as Infinity Dragon (known as HanZ then) completed the record on the 3rd verse. He also came up with a gripping thriller chorus that just ripped the audience right out of their seats in, "Is This What You Want". Infinity Dragon also collaborated with high school pal Karl (known as iKenj at the time) on compilation mixtapes. iKenj is also featured on one of the Beasts Of The East Vol 2 mixtape records. Infinity Dragon's younger brother (known as Hollow Man then) was a feature on Old Skool Kid's record, "I'm A G", alongside Infinity Dragon. I.D. released 3 compilation mixtapes that featured unreleased music by his 20th birthday in August. Infinity Dragon was now ready to expand once again. He shared news with Jersey Life that he was going to do a whole mixtape by himself, and that Jersey Life should do the same. Jersey Life did not agree with this new approach, so he felt best they part ways. Infinity Dragon's solo mixtape, Beasts Of The East Vol 3, was released Fall 2008. Before J Life parted from I.D, they collaborated on a record that was featured on Infinity Dragon's new solo mixtape (Beasts Of The East Vol 3) that was titled "Crazy Insane". As the title implies, the lyrics as so, followed like ducks in a row. There was also another banger on his new solo mixtape. This other banger was a collaboration with his older cousin. Infinity Dragon saw it best that they both wrote 12 bars for 2 verses, with I.D.'s older cousin(Chizzy) laying his vocals at the start of each verse, and I.D.'s verse would follow. They also both recorded vocals for the chorus, almost identical lyrics. I.D.'s older cousin added just a little twist on the wordplay within the lyrics by changing some words in the chorus. This record became loved by many, it was a SUPER JAM! Infinity Dragon's younger brother was also featured on the record "iGrind", from Beasts Of The East Vol 3. Beasts Of The East Vol 3 also had records by which Infinity Dragon has produced the instrumentation for. Those records were "Simple Addition" and "The Art of War". The first beat he ever made, was for the Hip Hop record, "Art of War". It is composed of orchestra strings, a bass kick, and his vocals. That simple! Voila! "Simple Addition" was an R&B/Pop record, with a full drum kit and a variety of simple sounds. He used FL Studio to design these instrumentals. The next mixtape I.D. released was titled, Art Brut Eros. He released this between November 2008 and February 2009. This consisted of 3 discs. The 1st disc had 19 records on it. The 2nd disc had 10 bonus tracks. The 3rd disc consisted of 17 synth-symphonic instrumentals. 


Infinity Dragon took on a full load of music coursework his junior year in college. His major only demanded of him to display the skills, knowledge, and mastery acquired as so defined in his major's focus, Music Major with a focus in Music Production. For a songwriting course that he took his junior year in college, every time he met with the class's TA, he had a new song written and a new instrumental made. He was only supposed to write one song, and perfect the one song. He interpreted the assignment differently, being that he was supposed to write ONE perfect song, instead of PERFECTING one song. Nonetheless, the Teaching Assistant was amazed that he could come up with so many lyrics so quickly. Once Infinity Dragon finished his requirements for his major, he moved to Mexico City to party. He worked endlessly in college, writing paper after paper everyday after getting off work, and it finally paid off. He wanted to get the "Dirt off his shoulders" and celebrate. While in Mexico City, he looked for a job as an English teacher, having a multitude of English college course credit on his resume. However, he could not find a job as an English teacher, so he eventually left the party city in the Distro Federal de Mexico and moved to Los Angeles, California. 


In California, he quickly found 2 job interviews within a week and a half living in Long Beach, CA. One interview was at Universal Studios Hollywood in Studio City, and the other interview was down the road on Ventura Ave at Coldwater, at a music studio. The interview was for an internship. The interview well so well at the studio, Infinity Dragon got the gig to be the intern. He was interviewed by Radio Traffic's bass player, and informed he got the position by the same person. The interview at Universal Studios was a group interview. Each group had to come up with a section for a Theme Park. The twist is, it had to be based on movies made by Universal. For Infinity Dragon's section of the park, he named it, The Day After, themed by Hangover. That theme won him a job at Universal Studios. On the day he and all the other new employees were getting their job assignment, he figured he would be put in sales/retail since he had 2 years experience in sale/retail. He was however assigned to be a park greeter, to scan the tickets and welcome people to the park. He was also given pants that were too small for him, as for his uniform. He saw it as someone making a joke. On the contrary, he found himself lucky to have 2 jobs so close to each other. This took place in June 2011. Infinity Dragon also took time out of his day to interview local artists for a position to be mentored and produced by him. I.D. had designed big instrumentals for the next big Hip Hop artist, and the next big Pop star, and where better to find the next big star than in Hollywood, right? He found that the artists were not that serious about going forward in their music careers. 


By September 2011, the studio, label, and band that I.D. was interning for, had disassembled. Infinity Dragon looked for new jobs at this time. He was supposed to get paid $10,000 at the end of his internship, as part of the agreement for not getting paid until the 6-month period was complete. Although he had 2 months left of interning, the label's boss began ignoring him. I.D. heard from the label head who was responsible for paying him the said amount of money in December of 2011, and still then, not paying the agreed said amount of money for the internship. Infinity Dragon lived at Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave, down the street from the Hollywood Bowl from September 2011 until November 2011. In December 2011, Infinity Dragon moved back to Philadelphia as job-searching yielded no results in LA, and his artist search fell through as they were all not as serious about being on the stage. 


Back in Philadelphia, he produced many instrumentals, mostly of Hip-Hop style to the likes of local artists. He reached out to many artists and, and none used any of his beats, or replied back once he sent them. Infinity Dragon made the choice that he wanted to be the front man on the stage. So he began writing records to instrumentals he put together. He used Propellerhead's Reason to make the instrumentals for this new project. Mostly of Pop, R&B, and little Hip Hop flavors, I.D. successfully produced a mixtape that consisted of instrumentals that he made and sung his song on. There was only one record that consisted of an instrumental not made by Infinity Dragon on this mixtape, and that track is titled "Magic City". The title of the mixtape is "Always". It also had audio cuts from the Avengers movie, as it was the beginning of Infinity Dragon's super music. He released Always on July 4, 2013, the same day Jay-Z dropped "Holy Grail". After the release of "Always", Infinity Dragon, known as Bambit at this time, took a break from music production and recording. In 2015, Infinity Dragon found himself writing poetry again. And he then began writing song lyrics again. After compiling a notebook full of songs and poems, Infinity Dragon decided that this notebook was full of a style he did not like. So he followed his instinct and deleted the songs he wrote in his tablet, and literally threw this notebook filled with his creative work to the side as garbage. I.D. then took a break from music, returning to the scene in 2017. 


With his return, he came back with more purpose, more staying power, and more tenacity. His first record he wrote in 2017 was titled, "Whatever That You Want", after making the instrumental for it first. Infinity Dragon found the lyrics were calling to him to write the lyrics for this record. Suddenly, there was this immediate emergence that took place in Infinity Dragon, and this is when he felt, "This time will be much different." I.D. planned a party and a video shoot for the release day of this record. Prior to this upcoming release, he visited his mother's home one day, taking his laptop to work on some new music. While producing an instrumental, he had an epiphany. The instrumental he made was so magical, he could not only believe that he made this instrumental, he also saw this instrumental as a corner stone in his future music career. After writing a magical ride, Infinity Dragon decided it would be best to release this record, "Lovespeed", and shoot a video for it instead of "Whatever That You Want". It was a clever decision indeed. In fact, Infinity Dragon removed the record, "Whatever That You Want" from the Dragon Skies Album (said album never released). He released the video for "Lovespeed" in December of 2017. Eight months later, he released a single that contained 2 records: the explicit version of "Lovespeed", and "Fantasy". He released these records on his birthday in August 2018, the same day Kobe Bryant celebrated his birthday. 


His FL Studio suddenly malfunctioned on all of his computers, even new ones he bought. The final instrumental for each record on the "Dragon Skies" album was not already bounced, so the instrumentals he made were lost, as well as those records he wrote. So, he decided to go with buying an Apple computer to use Logic X's DAW on his birthday that year, knowing that he had to start from scratch to make a new album. What he saw as misfortune turned out to be great fortune. He used the DAW Logic X to produce the instrumentals for his new project, and he was quite impressed with the operations and quality of sound within the program. He wrote and produced 13 new records for his album titled, Xiii Thrones. He made an edited version of Lovespeed and released it on the album Xiii Thrones (consisted of 13 records) in lieu of a track that did not make the album. Once he finished all of the production for this album, he did not wait too long to start on a completely new project. Xiii Thrones released on March 13, 2020. This new project that followed "Xiii Thrones" was released 2 months later. It was an EP titled, Really Cool. This EP consisted of 6 records. It was released on May 22, 2020. All the writing, production, and mastering has been done by Infinity Dragon, as so for the album, Xiii Thrones as well. Shortly after completing this project, he immediately began working on his new album, Dragon City. All of the writing, production, and mastering was completed by Infinity Dragon for the album Dragon City. Dragon City was released on July 3, 2020. Dragon City has 15 records on the album. Approximately 2 weeks later, Infinity Dragon was in the studio writing and producing his newest album, 2Wild. On September 25, 2020, Infinity Dragon dropped his 50th record for the year of 2020 with the release of a 15-track album titled, "2Wild". With the help of his younger cousin, Infinity Dragon shot a music video for the record, "Midnight Marauder", of the 2Wild album. Infinity Dragon edited the video that was shot, and finalized a masterpiece. He released the music video just 5 days after the album release, 2Wild. Infinity Dragon was approached by a member of "The Chosen Few Motorcycle Club" and commissioned to make a cinematic record for the club. This record, "Chosen Few" released on January 3, 2020. All of Infinity Dragon's releases are available on all major platforms. 


On Cyber Monday, November 30, 2020, Infinity Dragon released holiday album, Secret Santa. On New Year's Day, Infinity Dragon released album, "Sex & Magic". In addition to writing, production, mixing/mastering, Infinity Dragon also designed the cover arts for Young N Wild, Really Cool, Dragon City, 2Wild, Secret Santa, Sex & Magic, & GodKing. With the release of the album, "GodKing", Infinity Dragon passes the mark of 100 records released. Do not forget about his poetry. In January 2019, Infinity Dragon wrote 100 poems within 29 days. He began writing poetry again in December of 2018. He aimed to double his January 2007 high of 34 poems. Once he reached 50 poems total for the month of January, he knew that 100 poems was within his grasp. He wrote endlessly through the night and day, even eleven poems written in one day. By the end of January 2019, Infinity Dragon was in awe and could not believe he has written 100 poems within just 29 days. By the middle of September 2020, Infinity Dragon has written 400 poems since he started again in December 2018. A majority of these poems share a unique style of rhyming that he himself has created. A small minority of the 400 poems Infinity Dragon has written within these past 2 years, have common rhyming patterns. Infinity Dragon is different in energy, a different tenacity, a different volume, he is a different being, and ultimately, a unique soul. His journey has been one of a lot of self-discovery, as to that his ambition, has no limit. 


On Tuesday, April 11 2023, Infinity Dragon Released Music Album "Destruction"

Followed by Music Album Arts (Released in 2023):

G.O.D. Propaganda




The AByC

Last Dance (Instrumentals)

DJ ViLLiAN: De DROUGHT MiXTAPE (24.12.2023 Christmas Eve)

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